You can register online or in person at IDP. The detailed information about registering for the IELTS can be found at You can also reach us at [email protected].
IELTS™ is offered on specific days of the year. One can access the whole schedule which can vary depending on the city by following the given link
IELTS™ can be taken an unlimited number of times. However, it is highly advisable not to appear for IELTS too many times as it may affect the applicant’s candidature.
IELTS™ score is valid for 2 years from the date the test was taken.
The scores are available 13 days after the exam date.
You may request up to five Test Report Forms (TRF) to be sent to receiving institutions withing one month of taking the test. TRFs sent by courier will be sent through DHL and students will be charged accordingly. IDP IELTS office can arrange electronic submission of TRFs at no extra cost. More than 5 TRFs are subject to an extra fee plus courier costs.
Almost all the universities take the best score.
Yes, you do need to have the IELTS™ score with you at the time of applying.